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retinal - 20
eye - 18
and - 14
you - 12
the - 11
diabetic - 9
vitreous - 7
disease - 7
macular - 7
with - 7
foster - 6
treatment - 6
diseases - 6
surgery - 6
your - 6
uveitis - 5
vision - 5
william - 4
phd - 4
retina - 4
flashes - 4
retinopathy - 4
eyes - 4
what - 4
loss - 4
detachment - 4
specialist - 3
degeneration - 3
light - 3
diabetes - 3
order - 3
click - 3
here - 3
see - 3
including - 2
montreal - 2
conditions - 2
macula - 2
vein - 2
tears - 2
laser - 2
about - 2
information - 2
areas - 2
specialization - 2
floaters - 2
degeneraton - 2
disorders - 2
hereditary - 2
inflammation - 2
techniques - 2
condition - 2
carefully - 2
perform - 2
examination - 2
tests - 2
appropriate - 2
injections - 2
not - 2
required - 2
have - 2
intra - 2
ocular - 2
practice - 2
helping - 2
committed - 2
care - 2
better - 2
make - 2
anatomy - 2
normal - 2
amsler - 2
grid - 2
patient - 2
quebec - 1
drusen - 1
separation - 1
occlusion - 1
armd - 1
posterior - 1
cause - 1
causes - 1
symptoms - 1
blood - 1
edema - 1
damage - 1
problems - 1
français - 1
home - 1
clinical - 1
research - 1
office - 1
diagnosing - 1
problem - 1
examinations - 1
imaging - 1
diagnose - 1
listen - 1
history - 1
thorough - 1
ophthalmic - 1
will - 1
also - 1
confirm - 1
diagnosis - 1
prognosis - 1
methods - 1
lasers - 1
although - 1
always - 1
should - 1
require - 1
training - 1
latest - 1
photodynamic - 1
therapy - 1
intravitreal - 1
vitrectomy - 1
sometimes - 1
extensive - 1
experience - 1
performing - 1
this - 1
delicate - 1
welcome - 1
team - 1
look - 1
forward - 1
meeting - 1
getting - 1
know - 1
related - 1
while - 1
vitreoretinal - 1
surgeon - 1
only - 1
providing - 1
excellent - 1
surgical - 1
but - 1
because - 1
pay - 1
attention - 1
whole - 1
person - 1
dedicated - 1
save - 1
function - 1
daily - 1
life - 1
are - 1
working - 1
sure - 1
get - 1
best - 1
possible - 1
please - 1
visit - 1
section - 1
why - 1
choose - 1
find - 1
out - 1
more - 1
sets - 1
apart - 1
from - 1
others - 1
sees - 1
pucker - 1
might - 1
hablamos - 1
español - 1
говорю - 1
немного - 1
русский - 1
язык - 1
und - 1
ich - 1
verstehe - 1
deutsch - 1
consultation - 1
happy - 1
examine - 1
provide - 1
second - 1
opinion - 1
point - 1
taking - 1
time - 1
discuss - 1
findings - 1
language - 1
that - 1
can - 1
understand - 1
2015 - 1
privacy - 1
policy - 1

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