Site word list:


This is complete word's list with its count on site myjahaninfosynery.com. You may use it for SEO purposes.

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iops - 4
for - 3
myjahaninfosynery - 2
hdd - 2
given - 2
rpm - 2
average - 2
latency - 2
003 - 2
seconds - 2
seek - 2
time - 2
0045 - 2
10000 - 2
avg - 2
webpage - 1
welcome - 1
plsease - 1
vist - 1
google - 1
calculation - 1
information - 1
rotational - 1
speed - 1
000 - 1
then - 1
would - 1
calculated - 1
this - 1
disk - 1
about - 1
133 - 1
and - 1
are - 1
formula - 1
1000 - 1

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