Site word list:


This is complete word's list with its count on site hinduhsschool.com. You may use it for SEO purposes.

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the - 110
php - 52
return - 52
_server - 50
since - 36
and - 34
function - 34
true - 33
plugin - 32
plugins - 31
array - 28
global - 27
themes - 26
for - 23
false - 23
wordpress - 23
maintenance - 19
when - 18
set - 18
string - 17
cache - 17
abspath - 16
default - 15
defined - 15
wp_content_dir - 15
directory - 15
theme - 15
isset - 14
from - 14
access - 14
private - 14
file - 14
wpdb - 14
mode - 13
this - 13
bool - 13
are - 12
not - 12
object - 12
protected - 12
that - 11
wpinc - 11
function_exists - 11
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header - 10
list - 10
can - 10
file_exists - 10
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whether - 10
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empty - 9
path - 9
content - 9
wp_debug_log - 9
ajax - 9
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path_info - 8
require_once - 8
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define - 8
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php_self - 7
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version - 5
environment - 5
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table_prefix - 5
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fix - 4
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required_php_version - 4
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charset - 4
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time - 4
int - 4
timestamp - 4
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slash - 4
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prefix - 4
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external - 4
first_init - 4
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site - 4
files - 4
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running - 3
orig_path_info - 3
some - 3
script_name - 3
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unset - 3
basic - 3
details - 3
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token - 3
substr - 3
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mysql - 3
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met - 3
wp_version - 3
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functions - 3
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code - 3
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development - 3
static - 3
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getenv - 3
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favicon - 3
die - 3
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float - 3
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echo - 3
timetotal - 3
force - 3
run - 3
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is_dir - 3
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table - 3
without - 3
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blog - 3
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while - 3
get_option - 3
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is_protected_endpoint - 3
login - 3
mb_internal_encoding - 3
preg_match - 2
microsoft - 2
http_x_original_url - 2
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name - 2
need - 2
append - 2
query_string - 2
hosts - 2
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strpos - 2
wp_populate_basic_auth_from_authorization_header - 2
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proper - 2
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php_auth_user - 2
php_auth_pw - 2
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userpass - 2
user - 2
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them - 2
keys - 2
later - 2
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your - 2
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was - 2
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than - 2
minutes - 2
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non - 2
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page - 2
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microtime - 2
seconds - 2
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number - 2
number_format_i18n - 2
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three - 2
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occur - 2
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you - 2
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full - 2
old - 2
maintained - 2
backward - 2
compatibility - 2
cases - 2
abstraction - 2
dbuser - 2
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dbpassword - 2
db_password - 2
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dbhost - 2
db_host - 2
columns - 2
multisite - 2
directly - 2
being - 2
current_using - 2
caching - 2
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wp_cache_add_global_groups - 2
installed - 2
is_multisite - 2
is_blog_installed - 2
nocache_headers - 2
link - 2
change - 2
returned - 2
exist - 2
remove - 2
wp_skip_paused_plugins - 2
given - 2
filtered - 2
get_all - 2
array_key_exists - 2
store - 2
displaying - 2
notice - 2
templatepath - 2
stylesheetpath - 2
wp_skip_paused_themes - 2
determines - 2
pages - 2
is_protected_ajax_action - 2
fired - 2
core - 2
search - 2
searching - 2
strings - 2
encoding - 2
just - 2
ckiibg - 1
ay_merge - 1
default_server_values - 1
isapi - 1
fcgi - 1
php_sapi - 1
server_software - 1
mod - 1
rewrite - 1
isapi_rewrite - 1
there - 1
configurations - 1
put - 1
script - 1
info - 1
twice - 1
query - 1
isn - 1
something - 1
ending - 1
strlen - 1
path_translated - 1
dreamhost - 1
other - 1
preg_replace - 1
populates - 1
auth - 1
servers - 1
fastcgi - 1
rewritten - 1
fill - 1
variables - 1
anything - 1
pull - 1
early - 1
either - 1
php_auth - 1
key - 1
nothing - 1
our - 1
prior - 1
conditional - 1
these - 1
test - 1
pattern - 1
matches - 1
expected - 1
would - 1
six - 1
characters - 1
base64_decode - 1
now - 1
shove - 1
where - 1
expecting - 1
wp_check_php_mysql_versions - 1
phpversion - 1
version_compare - 1
wp_get_server_protocol - 1
text - 1
html - 1
printf - 1
but - 1
requires - 1
least - 1
mysqli - 1
mysqlnd - 1
assume - 1
yet - 1
mysql_not_found - 1
installation - 1
appears - 1
missing - 1
via - 1
same - 1
possible - 1
ability - 1
alter - 1
types - 1
wp_get_environment_type - 1
about - 1
fetch - 1
overrides - 1
accidentally - 1
invalid - 1
value - 1
send - 1
headers - 1
zero - 1
length - 1
bail - 1
favor - 1
do_favicon - 1
wp_favicon_request - 1
image - 1
vnd - 1
icon - 1
conditions - 1
replaced - 1
wp_maintenance - 1
disabled - 1
retry - 1
after - 1
600 - 1
briefly - 1
unavailable - 1
scheduled - 1
back - 1
minute - 1
503 - 1
root - 1
named - 1
less - 1
ago - 1
marking - 1
began - 1
older - 1
consider - 1
over - 1
minute_in_seconds - 1
runtimes - 1
continue - 1
processing - 1
even - 1
enable_checks - 1
enable_maintenance_mode - 1
micro - 1
timer - 1
beginning - 1
see - 1
always - 1
accepts - 1
digits - 1
right - 1
decimal - 1
second - 1
microsecond - 1
finished - 1
calculation - 1
formatted - 1
human - 1
consumption - 1
both - 1
localized - 1
rounded - 1
number_format - 1
reporting - 1
based - 1
settings - 1
reported - 1
argument - 1
strongly - 1
recommended - 1
developers - 1
their - 1
environments - 1
prevents - 1
changing - 1
configuration - 1
hidden - 1
specified - 1
never - 1
xml - 1
rpc - 1
rest - 1
wp_debug_mode - 1
allow - 1
times - 1
causes - 1
related - 1
checked - 1
take - 1
care - 1
yourself - 1
enable_debug_mode - 1
enable_wp_debug_mode_checks - 1
e_all - 1
strtolower - 1
is_string - 1
log_errors - 1
error_log - 1
e_core_error - 1
e_core_warning - 1
e_compile_error - 1
e_error - 1
e_warning - 1
e_parse - 1
e_user_error - 1
e_user_warning - 1
e_recoverable_error - 1
xmlrpc_request - 1
rest_request - 1
wp_is_json_request - 1
location - 1
within - 1
assumed - 1
live - 1
wp_set_lang_dir - 1
limited - 1
won - 1
work - 1
class - 1
instantiate - 1
require_wp_db - 1
format - 1
specifiers - 1
listed - 1
here - 1
wp_set_wpdb_vars - 1
dead_db - 1
field_types - 1
post_author - 1
post_parent - 1
menu_order - 1
term_id - 1
term_group - 1
term_taxonomy_id - 1
parent - 1
count - 1
object_id - 1
term_order - 1
comment_id - 1
comment_post_id - 1
comment_parent - 1
user_id - 1
link_id - 1
link_owner - 1
link_rating - 1
option_id - 1
blog_id - 1
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post_id - 1
user_status - 1
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comment_karma - 1
comment_count - 1
cat_id - 1
deleted - 1
lang_id - 1
mature - 1
public - 1
site_id - 1
spam - 1
set_prefix - 1
is_wp_error - 1
numbers - 1
letters - 1
underscores - 1
toggle - 1
off - 1
touching - 1
stores - 1
wp_start_object_cache - 1
following - 1
once - 1
normal - 1
situation - 1
first - 1
loaded - 1
try - 1
custom - 1
then - 1
initialize - 1
hooks - 1
wp_hook - 1
build_preinitialized_hooks - 1
sometimes - 1
advanced - 1
breaks - 1
above - 1
result - 1
actually - 1
compat - 1
supports - 1
init - 1
initialized - 1
signals - 1
ids - 1
changed - 1
cleanup - 1
caches - 1
get_current_blog_id - 1
users - 1
userlogins - 1
usermeta - 1
user_meta - 1
useremail - 1
userslugs - 1
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options - 1
lookup - 1
rss - 1
posts - 1
networks - 1
sites - 1
blog_meta - 1
wp_cache_add_non_persistent_groups - 1
counts - 1
redirect - 1
installer - 1
wp_not_installed - 1
properly - 1
please - 1
contact - 1
administrator - 1
kses - 1
pluggable - 1
wp_guess_url - 1
wp_redirect - 1
wpmu_plugin_url - 1
include - 1
wp_get_mu_plugins - 1
opendir - 1
readdir - 1
closedir - 1
sort - 1
wp_plugin_url - 1
wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins - 1
option - 1
hack_file - 1
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array_unshift - 1
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validate_file - 1
validate - 1
included - 1
network - 1
main - 1
wp_paused_plugins - 1
plugin_basename - 1
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directories - 1
wp_get_active_and_valid_themes - 1
activate - 1
skip - 1
loading - 1
add_filter - 1
wp_using_themes - 1
__return_false - 1
wp_paused_themes - 1
basename - 1
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recovery - 1
cause - 1
wp_recovery_mode - 1
is_active - 1
is_admin - 1
could - 1
help - 1
resolve - 1
fatal - 1
such - 1
exclusively - 1
allows - 1
providing - 1
further - 1
endpoints - 1
addition - 1
edit - 1
saving - 1
changes - 1
editor - 1
heartbeat - 1
keep - 1
heart - 1
beating - 1
screen - 1
doing - 1
property - 1
wp_protected_ajax_actions - 1
most - 1
latin1 - 1
want - 1
mb_ - 1
wp_set_internal_encoding - 1
blog_charset - 1
phpcs - 1
ignore - 1
nosilencederrors - 1
discouraged - 1
magic - 1
quotes - 1
forces - 1
_env - 1
needed - 1
those - 1
superglobals - 1
wp_magic_quotes - 1
escape - 1
get - 1
post - 1
array_merge - 1
shuts - 1
down - 1
execution - 1
shutdown_action_hook - 1
fires - 1

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