Site word list:


This is complete word's list with its count on site gregoryhaskell.com. You may use it for SEO purposes.

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conult_theme_dir - 21
includes - 20
php - 20
require_once - 18
conult_theme_url - 17
css - 17
conult - 16
assets - 15
array - 13
woocommerce - 12
wp_enqueue_style - 11
jquery - 10
options - 9
wp_enqueue_script - 8
opts - 7
esc_html__ - 6
the - 6
fonts - 6
min - 6
magnific - 6
swiper - 6
all - 5
theme - 5
class_exists - 5
plugin - 4
sidebar - 4
function - 4
style - 4
theme_version - 4
bootstrap - 4
http - 3
template - 3
portfolio - 3
default - 3
register_sidebar - 3
name - 3
description - 3
appears - 3
section - 3
site - 3
before_widget - 3
after_widget - 3
before_title - 3
after_title - 3
add_action - 3
fonts_url - 3
protocol - 3
custom_css - 3
popup - 3
line - 3
awesome - 3
add - 3
cart - 3
gaviasthemes - 2
copyright - 2
gnu - 2
gpl - 2
define - 2
get_template_directory - 2
functions - 2
comment - 2
hooks - 2
load - 2
redux - 2
require - 2
tgm - 2
activation - 2
tgmpa - 2
conult_widgets_init - 2
offcanvas - 2
conult_fonts_url - 2
is_ssl - 2
https - 2
off - 2
sans - 2
family - 2
com - 2
conult_custom_styles - 2
get_option - 2
custom - 2
wp_enqueue_scripts - 2
conult_init_scripts - 2
cookie - 2
appear - 2
main - 2
fontawesome - 2
855 - 2
202 - 2
8702 - 2
facebook - 2
twitter - 2
youtube - 2
linkedin - 2
home - 2
about - 2
why - 2
digital - 2
services - 2
pricing - 2
contact - 2
author - 1
team - 1
2022 - 1
rights - 1
reserved - 1
license - 1
later - 1
www - 1
org - 1
licenses - 1
html - 1
get_template_directory_uri - 1
include - 1
list - 1
files - 1
hook - 1
metaboxes - 1
customize - 1
menu - 1
elementor - 1
add_theme_support - 1
framework - 1
init - 1
general - 1
header - 1
footer - 1
styling - 1
page - 1
woo - 1
is_admin - 1
class - 1
config - 1
load_theme_textdomain - 1
languages - 1
register - 1
default_sidebar - 1
shop - 1
woocommerce_sidebar - 1
after - 1
mobile - 1
offcanvas_sidebar_mobile - 1
widgets_init - 1
subsets - 1
font - 1
ital - 1
wght - 1
400 - 1
500 - 1
700 - 1
add_query_arg - 1
implode - 1
display - 1
swap - 1
googleapis - 1
css2 - 1
return - 1
conult_theme_custom_styles - 1
custom_script - 1
wp_add_inline_style - 1
9999 - 1
global - 1
post - 1
is_singular - 1
comments_open - 1
thread_comments - 1
reply - 1
wp_get_theme - 1
version - 1
null - 1
imagesloaded - 1
masonry - 1
dashicons - 1
woocoomerce - 1
wp_dequeue_script - 1
999 - 1
greg - 1
haskell - 1
eagle - 1
idaho - 1
83616 - 1
haskellgs - 1
haskellservices - 1
call - 1
anytime - 1

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