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salamander - 53
snake - 27
plethodon - 21
carolina - 19
eastern - 18
frog - 18
turtle - 16
and - 15
the - 13
desmognathus - 13
southern - 12
rana - 10
atlas - 9
treefrog - 9
hyla - 9
herp - 8
green - 8
red - 8
lined - 8
lizard - 7
pseudacris - 7
eurycea - 7
toad - 6
spotted - 6
skink - 6
gray - 6
northern - 6
dusky - 6
ambystoma - 6
photos - 5
south - 5
bufo - 5
mud - 5
eumeces - 5
chorus - 5
siren - 5
watersnake - 5
nerodia - 5
sea - 5
amphibian - 4
reptile - 4
carolinas - 4
observation - 4
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river - 4
pine - 4
glass - 4
ophisaurus - 4
slimy - 4
cheeked - 4
dwarf - 4
lampropeltis - 4
database - 3
herpetology - 3
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reptiles - 3
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species - 3
davidson - 3
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elaphe - 3
crotalus - 3
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american - 3
atlantic - 3
carolinensis - 3
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fence - 2
sceloporus - 2
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cinerea - 2
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horridus - 2
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notophthalmus - 2
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anolis - 2
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chattahoochee - 2
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waterdog - 2
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backed - 2
toed - 2
aeneus - 2
imitator - 2
junaluska - 2
mole - 2
ocoee - 2
pigmy - 2
santeetlah - 2
amphiuma - 2
yonahlossee - 2
storeria - 2
agkistrodon - 2
guttata - 2
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these - 1
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our - 1
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with - 1
any - 1
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next - 1
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175 - 1
979 - 1
111 - 1
230 - 1
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catesbeiana - 1
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gastrophryne - 1
spadefoot - 1
scaphiopus - 1
holbrookii - 1
versicolor - 1
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clamitans - 1
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eleutherodactylus - 1
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grass - 1
ocularis - 1
brachyphona - 1
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oak - 1
quercicus - 1
ornate - 1
ornata - 1
pickerel - 1
palustris - 1
pig - 1
grylio - 1
barrens - 1
andersonii - 1
femoralis - 1
heckscheri - 1
nigrita - 1
gryllus - 1
sphenocephala - 1
terrestris - 1
peeper - 1
crucifer - 1
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upland - 1
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sagrei - 1
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anthracinus - 1
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island - 1
compressus - 1
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gecko - 1
hemidactylus - 1
turcicus - 1
mimic - 1
mimicus - 1
six - 1
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aspidoscelis - 1
sexlineatus - 1
slender - 1
attenuatus - 1
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texas - 1
horned - 1
phrynosoma - 1
cornutum - 1
chlorobryonis - 1
black - 1
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orestes - 1
amplus - 1
wilderae - 1
chamberlain - 1
chamberlaini - 1
bald - 1
mudpuppy - 1
maculosus - 1
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alleganiensis - 1
cinereus - 1
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cingulatum - 1
four - 1
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scutatum - 1
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lacertina - 1
aneides - 1
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jordani - 1
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opacum - 1
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neuse - 1
lewisi - 1
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ravine - 1
richmondi - 1
serratus - 1
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contanti - 1
maculatum - 1
gyrinophilus - 1
porphyriticus - 1
tellico - 1
aureolus - 1
three - 1
guttolineata - 1
tiger - 1
tigrinum - 1
means - 1
webster - 1
websteri - 1
wehrle - 1
wehrlei - 1
weller - 1
welleri - 1
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pygaea - 1
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corn - 1
cottonmouth - 1
piscivorus - 1
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masticophis - 1
flagellum - 1
coral - 1
micrurus - 1
fulvius - 1
adamanteus - 1
platirhinos - 1
getula - 1
ribbon - 1
sauritus - 1
worm - 1
carphophis - 1
amoenus - 1
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rigida - 1
indigo - 1
drymarchon - 1
corais - 1
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calligaster - 1
sipedon - 1
sistrurus - 1
miliarius - 1
pituophis - 1
melanoleucus - 1
rhadinaea - 1
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queen - 1
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racer - 1
coluber - 1
constrictor - 1
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erytrogramma - 1
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erythrogaster - 1
ringneck - 1
diadophis - 1
striatula - 1
opheodrys - 1
aestivus - 1
elapsoides - 1
cemophora - 1
coccinea - 1
smooth - 1
valeriae - 1
crowned - 1
tantilla - 1
coronata - 1
simus - 1
hawksbill - 1
eretmochelys - 1
imbricata - 1
bog - 1
glyptemys - 1
muhlenbergii - 1
chicken - 1
deirochelys - 1
reticularia - 1
malaclemys - 1
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ferox - 1
tortoise - 1
gopherus - 1
polyphemus - 1
chelonia - 1
mydas - 1
kemp - 1
ridley - 1
lepidochelys - 1
kempii - 1
leatherback - 1
dermochelys - 1
coriacea - 1
musk - 1
minor - 1
painted - 1
chrysemys - 1
picta - 1
rubriventris - 1
concinna - 1
slider - 1
trachemys - 1
scripta - 1
snapping - 1
chelydra - 1
serpentina - 1
spiny - 1
spinifera - 1
clemmys - 1
stinkpot - 1
odoratus - 1
striped - 1
baurii - 1
2017 - 1

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