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weight - 27
the - 26
loss - 21
and - 20
bounce - 15
your - 11
with - 10
obesity - 10
our - 8
you - 8
for - 7
overweight - 7
journey - 6
are - 6
about - 5
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healthier - 4
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challenges - 4
here - 4
just - 4
medical - 4
being - 4
health - 4
contact - 3
today - 3
not - 3
nutrition - 3
community - 3
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obese - 3
these - 3
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one - 2
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self - 1
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choline - 1
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b12 - 1
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400 - 1
2000 - 1
this - 1
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heart - 1
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pressure - 1
diabetes - 1
musculoskeletal - 1
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face - 1
100 - 1
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schedule - 1
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all - 1
rights - 1
reserved - 1
year - 1

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