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and - 75
the - 42
pelvic - 33
for - 29
our - 29
your - 28
health - 27
you - 24
with - 21
therapy - 16
new - 15
her - 14
care - 12
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thorburn - 11
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that - 10
fort - 9
collins - 9
more - 9
gentle - 9
mothers - 9
berkana - 9
discomfort - 8
where - 8
everyone - 8
this - 8
physical - 8
microsoft - 8
pain - 7
are - 7
what - 7
rehabilitation - 7
institute - 7
without - 6
motherhood - 6
personalized - 6
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effective - 6
place - 6
lasting - 6
baby - 6
assessment - 6
megan - 6
advanced - 6
university - 6
insurance - 6
970 - 5
598 - 5
0686 - 5
from - 5
postpartum - 5
comfort - 5
incontinence - 5
most - 5
treatment - 5
initial - 5
should - 5
not - 5
information - 5
how - 5
moms - 4
designed - 4
wellness - 4
only - 4
into - 4
find - 4
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stress - 4
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one - 4
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book - 3
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life - 3
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condition - 3
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nerve - 3
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like - 3
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now - 3
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face - 1
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please - 1
inform - 1
ahead - 1
time - 1
suitable - 1
arrangements - 1
2024 - 1
right - 1
reserved - 1

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