Site word list:


This is complete word's list with its count on site 0xlending.com. You may use it for SEO purposes.

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com - 4
0xlending - 3
the - 3
namefi - 3
for - 2
potential - 2
and - 2
blockchain - 2
sale - 1
owner - 1
0x9c8f - 1
fb0b - 1
show - 1
valuable - 1
because - 1
combines - 1
lending - 1
suggesting - 1
link - 1
hexadecimal - 1
technology - 1
commonly - 1
used - 1
cryptocurrency - 1
transactions - 1
implying - 1
fintech - 1
focus - 1
tld - 1
adds - 1
universal - 1
appeal - 1
credibility - 1
enhancing - 1
its - 1
global - 1
financial - 1
services - 1
platform - 1
especially - 1
one - 1
that - 1
specializes - 1
loans - 1
credits - 1
within - 1
crypto - 1
industry - 1
where - 1
decentralized - 1
finance - 1
defi - 1
applications - 1
are - 1
growing - 1
popularity - 1
powered - 1
beta - 1
could - 1
inacurate - 1
not - 1
finacial - 1
trade - 1
advice - 1
dyor - 1
generate - 1
d3serve - 1
labs - 1
inc - 1
all - 1
rights - 1
reserved - 1
contact - 1
terms - 1
conditions - 1

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